Technical Organization Takeshi Matsuoka

CEO, rector, inc.
Representative Director, General incorporated association “Japan CTO Association”
Outside Director, ULURU CO., LTD.

As a former board member and HR director at mixi, Inc., he led the company’s turn-around. He also worked for a B2B and a startup as a CTO.

His fields of expertise include technology management, technical organization, and recruiting engineers.
At rector, inc., he is responsible for numerous companies from seed-stage companies to major companies.
He believes that the mission of a CTO and the type of technical organization keep changing depending on target customers, business styles, and company sizes.
He has assisted many startups to establish a development organization, stabilize impaired products, direct product development, design KPI, set mass-settings of technical investment to increase agility, build consensus with executives, design technical organization, set target, and monitor activities.